

Our Brochures

We are producing daily presentations and project proposals etc. Here you might find interesting presentations, information which fit your needs.

Nutrient Recovery Plan

High Nutrient Content in he digestate upon treatment can be used as liquid fertilizer.


Kankyo Bert Company Presentation

Welcome to Bert Energy GmbH options with biogas Technology


BSF Presentation

Whole larvae (fresh or desiccated) can be fed to pets, fish and poultry. Dried larvae can be ground to insect meal and fed to fish and pets.


Comparison between Indian digester and Bert Mobil technology

Comparison of Indian digestor technologies with Bert Mobil (patent pending)


Digest Treatment Plant (DTP)

To meet the compliance norms on digestate quality ( National & International) To provide additional benefits by enhancing the digestate value


BioCNG Presentation

Biogas is a clean and renewable energy that may be substituted to natural gas to cook, to produce vapor, hot water or to generate electricity. At room pressure and temperature biogas is in gaseous form, notliquid like LPG (Propane).
